The Secret Of How To Boost Your Self-Esteem And Feel Confident!

For some women, the lack of self confidence is what is holding them back from booking their Boudoir Session. Nobody should have to feel like they aren't good enough or worthy. It's time to retrain your negative thoughts and how you feel about yourself!

woman lying down in front of candles in Lawrence boudoir studio

Try identifying your negative beliefs. Challenge those and ask yourself questions: Is it true? Is there evidence? Most likely, they aren't true.

Be positive about yourself. That perfect person you adore? They have flaws, too. Everyone does. But the secret to being happy is giving yourself grace and being content with yourself. Write a list of things you're good at and what you love most about yourself is a great daily reminder to look at! It really helps and I do it daily.

If there are people in your life who are toxic and don't build you up, avoid them. You don't need negativity in your life. The relationships in your life should be encouraging and positive.

Try a simple meditation. You don’t have to sit quietly for hours on end. It could be five minutes. The idea is to slow down, reflect and center yourself. I love the Insight Timer App for this. Best part, it’s free! I simply pick one of my favorite quick meditations, put in my earbuds and relax.

Did you know that a walking meditation can be as profound as a sitting one? All you need to do is choose a flat path to walk back and for around 10 steps in each direction. Bring your attention to your body, how the sun feels on your face, the smell of the air, how your clothes feel on your body. The simple act of stepping from creates a meditative state that calms your mind and cultivates awareness.

The secret? Be kind to yourself. Smile often, don't be too critical, and laugh!

Leave a comment me know if any of these tips help to boost your confidence.

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