One Amazing Secret To Loving Your Body And Smashing Negative Self Talk!

brunette sitting on the floor in front of the couch

Loving Your Body & Quitting the Comparison Game.

There something that happens at almost every boudoir session I shoot, and I bet you could guess what it is within three tries.

Many of my clients — no matter how beautiful each and every single one of them is — says something negative about themselves at some point in the process. Even though I understand why it happens (hello marketing and social media), it bums me out every single time.

woman posing on a bed in front of flower wall in boudoir studio

Today, I’m challenging you to stop the body comparison game, and to do your best to be kind to yourself. Your body is incredible, you are stunning, and there’s not a single person out there like you so what’s the point of comparing in the first place?

Starting today, take a few minutes every day to write down one thing something positive about your physical self, and one thing positive about your non-physical self. It takes work to build ourselves up and to stop the comparison game, but it can be done and it can be transformative.

Are you ready to book your session? Take the first step and book your FREE consult call.



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